Disappearing Actor
You all will not hear too much from me during the month of November. I am in the last stages of creating a theater piece that looks at gender-different people in the Bible, those folks who transgress gender yet remain some of the most important people in the stories in which they appear. (Wanna know who? Wait to see Transfigurations!)In meeting and speaking with transgender folks this past year, I have grown to understand levels of oppression towards them perpetuated by straight people who represent the gender-normative society as well as by gay and lesbian people who also demand gender-normative presentations. I view the Bible as a mirror to help us see each other and ourselves in a way that can and should transform our thinking.
And for non-trans folk (gay, lesbian, bisexual and straight) in regards to trans folks, I see that the challenge is to no longer conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This process so often comes through listening. The same challenge exists for many people of faith who support and promote anti-gay worldly values in the name of religion.
Labels: performances, Transfigurations, transgender
I just saw the flyer for the Amherst Transgender Day of Remembrance happenings! I didn't know you were going to perform "Transfigurations" at UMass!!! I so have to go!!!!!
You rock, man! Thank you so much for helping us spread the word!
I also just got the flyer and will most likely will be going to see you.
I will hold you in the light while you complete the finishing touches to this important peice of work. Have a good November.
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